Fitness, HealthMaz Dela cernaMay 05, 2017fitness, comp prep, bikini competitor, first bodybuilding competition, bodybuilding, how to lose weight, lose weight without a diet, weight loss, fat to fit, fitness blog, fat loss, losing weight, fitness addict, fitness motivation, bikini comp, health and wellness, health, flexible dieting, flexible diet, iifym, macros, competition prep, bikini model, icnComment From Fat To Fit; Rookie's Journey To Stage Who knew, the girl that always took one drink too far, the girl that always went for seconds or even thirds, the girl that was known to be the residential party girl could actually compete in a bodybuilding competition! Fitness, HealthMaz Dela cernaMay 05, 2017fitness, comp prep, bikini competitor, first bodybuilding competition, bodybuilding, how to lose weight, lose weight without a diet, weight loss, fat to fit, fitness blog, fat loss, losing weight, fitness addict, fitness motivation, bikini comp, health and wellness, health, flexible dieting, flexible diet, iifym, macros, competition prep, bikini model, icnComment